Ellysa Wong Confinement Nanny

Confinement Nanny – Our Experience as New Parents

The confinement nanny provided invaluable support during the first month after Ellysa was born. As first-time parents, we were simply clueless about what to do once we brought Ellysa back home from the hospital. Hence … 

Ellysa Wong at Little Splashes (Thumbnail)

Little Splashes – Baby Swimming School Review

Little Splashes is one of the most popular baby swimming schools in Singapore. It is also Ellysa’s favourite playground now. We brought Ellysa to swim on her 7th month birthday. She started with a trial class using a gift voucher received at her 100-day party. It was a pleasant surprise that … 

Ellysa Wong (Week 11) - Thumbnail

Baby Bonus Scheme – A Complete Guide for New Parents

The baby bonus scheme is financial support from the government to alleviate the costs of raising a child in Singapore. It comprises two parts – Baby Bonus Cash Gift and Child Development Account (CDA). In this article, I will be … 

Anywheel – The Best Way To Rent Bike In Singapore!

Anywheel has indeed come a long way. It started its bike-sharing operation in Singapore with less than 1,000 bikes. Today, Anywheel has up to 15,000 two-wheelers on the road!